American Principles

Have you ever wondered, and/ or, considered, the thing that makes the United States of America, different and special, and which, core principles, etc, are most essential, to guarantee, we all do, all you can possibly, to safeguard and preserve? What may be unique, and/ or, different, about our Constitution, and Constitutional guarantees, and how come they matter? Perhaps, this concept, is advisable explained, still, with the words on the late, great, George Carlin, as soon as the atrocities of 9 – 11 – 2001! This routine, also called, as, Then the Terrorists Win, discusses, value of balancing, security needs, and preparations, with preserving all on the rights, and freedoms, we’ve always, represented! If, regardless from the finest intentions, we compromise our ideals and principles, the longer – term ramifications, might be dire and undesirable. With that in mind, this information will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, why this concept, is really essential, within these trying times.

1. Constitution; Bill of Rights; precedent: Our Constitution could be the principal difference, which truly, makes America great! We must ensure, all of the Constitutional guarantees, are protected and preserved, as opposed to any selective choosing, ones ones, serve any self – interest, or personal/ political agenda! This means, especially, concepts for instance: Freedom, liberty and justice, for many; Free Speech; Freedom in the Press; Separation of Church and State’ Balance of Powers; etc. In addition, the main Bill of Rights, together with later Amendments, are necessary, to preserve. No one is across the law, must connect with all, and, as an example, should the actions, behaviors, and deeds, of President Trump, are certainly not considered thoroughly, fully, and fairly, it’ll set an unsatisfactory precedent, in the future!

2. Human rights, here, along with the rest in the world: Traditionally, the United States continues to be considered the spokesman, and voice, for human rights, throughout the World. The rhetoric, vitriol, and apparent prejudiced statements, made with the present occupant in the White House, challenges, adversely, our directly to maintain that position, and generate the respect, we’ve got always, prided ourselves, on!

3. Unify (not polarize): Shouldn’t our public officials, look to unify us, to the greater good, and improve the possibility of achieving a meaningful, meeting – of – the – minds, rather then polarizing us, in a adversarial manner?

4. Climate and environment: Every generation has to be the protector, on this planet, for our children and grandchildren! This have to be, especially, true, in terms of climate factors, addressing Climate Change risks, and protecting the surroundings, consistently!

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